I. Introduction

The Diversity webpage for Infojini serves to communicate the company’s commitment to fostering an inclusive and equitable workplace that values diversity in all its forms. The webpage aims to provide information about the company’s goals, principles, and values related to diversity and inclusion, as well as examples of the programs and initiatives that support this commitment.

At Infojini, diversity, equity, and inclusion are core values that guide the company’s decision-making and actions. The company recognizes the unique perspectives and experiences that individuals from diverse backgrounds bring to the workplace, and it believes that a diverse and inclusive workplace is essential for fostering innovation, creativity, and productivity.

By creating a Diversity webpage, Infojini seeks to attract and retain a diverse and talented workforce by demonstrating its commitment to creating a workplace that is welcoming, inclusive, and equitable for all employees. The webpage serves as a platform for the company to communicate its stance on diversity and inclusion, as well as its efforts to promote these values throughout the organization.

II. Diversity Statement

At Infojini, we are committed to creating a workplace that values diversity, equity, and inclusion. We believe that a diverse workforce makes us a stronger and more innovative company, and we are committed to creating an environment where everyone feels valued and respected.

Our goal is to build a company culture that reflects the diversity of the communities we serve. We recognize that diversity goes beyond visible differences such as race, gender, and ethnicity, and we are committed to promoting diversity in all its forms, including diversity of thought, background, and experience.

Our principles and values related to diversity and inclusion are grounded in respect, fairness, and equality. We believe that every individual deserves to be treated with dignity and respect, and we are committed to creating a workplace where everyone feels safe, included, and empowered.

To achieve our goals, we have implemented a number of initiatives aimed at promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace. These include:

  1. Recruiting and hiring practices that promote diversity and inclusion
  2. Providing ongoing training and development opportunities for all employees to increase awareness of unconscious biases and promote diversity and inclusion
  3. Ensuring that our policies and practices promote equality and fairness for all employees
  4. Encouraging open communication and dialogue about diversity and inclusion and providing resources and support to employees who may be experiencing discrimination or bias

We are committed to continuously improving our efforts to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace. We recognize that this is an ongoing journey, and we are committed to doing the work necessary to create a workplace where everyone feels valued, respected, and empowered to succeed.

III. Company Culture

We are committed to creating an environment where everyone feels valued, respected, and empowered to contribute their best work.

We have two Diversity Hiring Plans:

Tier-I Diversity Hiring Plan

1) Pre-vetted Diverse Talent in Our Database

We’ve been providing diverse hiring solutions for 17 years and have a robust pipeline of pre-vetted talent. Our Direct Sourcing platform and collaboration with different meet ups, diversity organizations, and schools help us enhance our talent outreach beyond traditional sourcing channels.

2) In-house Direct Sourcing Platform for Diverse Talent

We have invested considerably in our Direct Sourcing platform TalentDome which gives us access to unique talent which not found on traditional mediums like job boards and social media. Integrated with freelance management systems and incorporating blind hiring techniques, TalentDome enhances our diversity outreach. The platform uses candidate-matching algorithms to leverage large-scale employee referrals from silver & bronze candidates.
By targeting candidates on the channels of their choice, it reduces the time-to-hire considerably.

  • Increase Diversity Outreach
  • 30% Reduction in Cost-to-hire
  • ML Algorithms for Candidate Matching
  • Eliminate Recruiting Bias
  • Real-time Budget Optimization

3) Promote Local Hiring through School Partnerships

We have partnered with many schools and universities across the US to promote local hiring as >well as extend our diversity outreach. Some of the schools that we have collaborated with include:

  • Rutgers University
  • William Patterson University
  • Women in Technology of Central Jersey
  • Penn Commercial
  • Lehigh Career & Technical Institute
  • Triangle Tech in Pennsylvania

4) Partnership with Reboot Veteran Transition Program

We have collaborated with Reboot Veteran Transition Program. Reboot program is a three-week, cohort-based program that builds the emotional, psychological, social, and professional skills necessary for successful reintegration into civilian life. Designed for transitioning military and veterans, the program’s insightful and personalized approach to reintegration utilizes cognitive restructuring to help veterans redefine their life – from the inside out for a successful transition home. These are some of the areas that the program focuses on:

  • Lifestyle Transition
  • Preparing Candidates for the Job Environment
  • Transitioning to Civilian Life using Research-based Methods
  • Career Planning & Transition

5) Collaboration with Veteran Databases & Job Boards for Extended Outreach

Infojini has also collaborated with several veteran databases & job boards that not only give us access to unique veteran database but also let us post relevant jobs and review resumes of matched candidates. These associations help us extend our talent outreach and connect the best opportunities with the right individuals. Some of the associations that we have collaborated with include:

  • CalJobs
  • Vandenberg AFB
  • Airman and Family Readiness Center
  • Bunker Labs
  • JobPath

6) Partnership with Veteran Associations

We have partnered with several veteran associations to enhance our talent outreach. We also share our openings regularly with these organizations and nurture these candidates through email and social campaigns. Some of the organizations that we have partnered with include:

  • Code Platoon
  • Troops to Trades
  • Apprenti

7) Partnership with National Veteran Transition Services (NVTSI) to Create a Digital App

We have already built a digital app in association with NVTSI to digitize the entire veteran transition process. The app is user-friendly and helps us avoid and drop-outs during the application phase. Apart from providing a simple application process, it also provides resources and SME support for resume critique, interview feedback, job search tips, and much more. We estimate that by the end of 2022, this app would be used by 90,000+ veterans.

8) Partnership with Diverse Communities for Women

We have collaborated with several communities and meet-ups that work towards the inclusion of women in the workplace. Some of the communities that we have partnered with include:

  • Women in Tech
  • Girls Who Code
  • Women’s Coding Collective
  • Girl Develop It

9) Partnership with Job Search Networks for Women

We have also collaborated with Sourcelist which is a database of qualified experts in technology policy from diverse backgrounds. Our tech team is in touch with She Worx which is an initiative for developer matching. Apart from this we’ve also subscribed for Allison Esposito’s weekly email of jobs for women in tech and Women’s Job Search Network.

10) Projecting Employer Brand by Sharing Success Stories

We regularly share stories of women and veterans who are succeeding across all levels of our organization. When candidates see themselves represented in our firm’s recruiting collateral, they’re more likely to apply.

11) Community Partnerships for Diverse Outreach

We have also collaborated with organizations like Swords to Plowshares and Association for Women in Science. We also share our job openings with organizations like San Francisco State University School, Bay Area Asian Pacific Islander Social Work Council, etc.

12) Diversity Training for Employees on Inclusion and Unconscious Bias

We organize diversity training session for our employees (recruiters, HR, senior leadership etc.) on different topics including respect and inclusion, anti-discrimination training, cross-cultural awareness, unconscious bias, diverse team-building, managing multi-generational workforce Etc.

Tier-II Diversity Hiring Plan

1) Use of Diverse Sourcing Channels To ensure equal representation we use diverse sourcing channels like diversity job boards (Vet Jobs, Hispanic Today, etc.), start-up networks, tech forums, and more.

2) Collaboration with State Employment Agencies & Local Meet-ups

Infojini has collaborated with various state employment agencies and local meet-ups (Google Developer Group NYC, WordPress NYC, Albany UX Meet-up etc.) to reach out to local candidates.

3) Diversity Events and Job Fairs

Our leadership team regularly participates in different diversity events and jobs fairs including:

  • Houston Diversity Job Fair
  • Bay Area Diversity Job Fair
  • New York Diversity Job Fair
  • Columbus Veterans Job Fair
  • San Diego Veterans Job Fair
  • Dallas Veterans Job Fair
  • Girls in Tech Catalyst Event

4) Veterans Network and Meet-ups

We also use veteran career networks of various organizations like Military.com and Hiring Heroes to find qualified talent. Our recruiters have also tied-up with local meet-up groups for veterans including:

  • Texas Professionals Meet-up
  • Operations Code NYC
  • San Antonio Veterans Meet-up
  • Veterans Helping Veterans etc.

5) Recruiters with Experience in Placing Veterans

We have many recruiters who have experience of sourcing veteran talent and have a solid recruiter network in place. These recruiters have tie-ups with government and commercial veteran placement programs.

6) Other Diversity Hiring Initiatives

  • Women-in-Tech Awareness Campaigns in High Schools 
  • Partnership with Reboot Veteran Transition Program
  • Created My Transition Time App for NVTSI/Reboot</span
  • Collaboration with Veteran Job Boards for Extended Outreach
  • Diversity Events and Job Fairs 
  • Projecting Employer Brand by Sharing Success Stories 
  • Women in Stem Networks and Meet-ups

IV. Non-Discrimination Policy

At Infojini, we strongly believe in providing equal opportunities for employment to all individuals, irrespective of their gender, caste, religion, age (within statutory limits), marital status, nationality, ancestry, ethnicity, geographical origin, sexual orientation, disability, or any other trait protected by law. We are committed to creating a workplace that is inclusive, respectful, and free from any form of discrimination or bias.

We believe that every individual has the right to be treated with dignity and respect, and we are committed to promoting fairness and equality in all aspects of employment, including hiring, promotion, transfer, compensation, and benefits, career development opportunities, and other terms of employment. We believe that diversity is a strength, and we actively seek to recruit, develop and retain a diverse workforce that reflects the communities we serve.

We understand that promoting diversity and inclusion requires continuous effort, education, and awareness, and we are committed to creating a culture that values and respects diversity in all its forms. We provide training opportunities to all employees to increase awareness of unconscious biases and create a more inclusive workplace.

We are committed to upholding our Equal Opportunities for Employment Policy and to creating a culture that values and respects diversity in all its forms. We believe that our commitment to equality and fairness not only benefits our employees but also strengthens our company’s performance and contributes to the success of our business.

V. Recruitment and Hiring

As a staffing agency, Infojini is committed to providing excellent recruitment and hiring services to our clients while also ensuring that we attract a diverse pool of candidates and eliminate bias in the selection process. We understand the importance of building diverse and inclusive workplaces, and we strive to help our clients achieve this goal through our recruitment and hiring practices.

To attract diverse candidates, we actively source candidates from a variety of channels, including job boards, social media, referrals, and professional networks. We also partner with organizations that support underrepresented groups in the workforce, such as women, people of color, and individuals with disabilities.

In our selection process, we use a combination of technology and human expertise to eliminate bias and ensure that each candidate is evaluated based on their qualifications, skills, and experience. We use tools such as blind resume screening and structured interviews to minimize the impact of unconscious bias in the hiring process.

We also provide training to our recruiters and hiring managers on best practices for diversity and inclusion in the workplace, as well as the importance of creating equitable and fair selection processes. Our goal is to help our clients build teams that reflect the diverse communities they serve and create workplaces where every individual feels valued and supported.

Best Practices for Diversity Hiring

We follow these best practices to implement equal opportunity hiring policy that gives fair chance to each and every individual.

  1. Structured Interview Format Keeping Inclusion in Mind: Structured around client’s value system, our questions are designed to identify a candidate’s workplace values.
  2. Use of Inclusive Language: We use inclusive, and diversity-sensitive language in all our documents and job advertisements.
  3. Machine Learning Algorithms that Reduce Any Bias: Our hiring processes do not focus on characteristics irrelevant to employment, gender, qualification etc. We use screening algorithms and structured interview format to remove any bias from the hiring process.
  4. Leave and Flexible Work Arrangement Policies: We include national holidays of all people that are part of our workforce and arrange their leaves upon request.

Diversity Training for Recruiters/Managers

At Infojini, we are strong believers of diverse recruitment strategies that give a fair chance to each and every individual. These are some of the initiatives that we take.

  • Training recruiters on bias-free hiring (unconscious bias, blind hiring etc.)
  • Training managers on cultural-awareness
  • Creating structured interview format and bias-free job descriptions keeping inclusion in mind
  • Creating Inclusive Job Descriptions
  • Sourcing Candidates through Referrals & Direct Sourcing Platform
  • Sourcing Quality Checklist

VI. Benefits of Supporting Workforce Diversity

We believe that diversity and inclusion are essential for creating a thriving and successful workforce. We understand that a diverse team brings a variety of perspectives, ideas, and experiences that can lead to innovation, growth, and a more productive work environment.

Here are some of the benefits of supporting workforce diversity:

  1. Increased Creativity and Innovation: A diverse workforce brings a range of perspectives and ideas to the table, leading to more creative solutions and innovative ideas. A diverse team is more likely to think outside the box and develop new and exciting ways of doing things.
  2. Improved Problem Solving: Diverse teams are better equipped to solve complex problems. When employees come from different backgrounds and experiences, they bring unique perspectives and approaches to problem-solving, resulting in more effective solutions.
  3. Enhanced Employee Engagement: A diverse workforce creates a sense of inclusion, making all employees feel valued and respected. When employees feel valued, they are more likely to be engaged, productive, and committed to their work.
  4. Broader Customer Base: A diverse workforce can better understand and serve a diverse customer base. When employees come from different backgrounds, they bring an understanding of cultural nuances, language, and other factors that can help a company reach a broader audience.
  5. Improved Business Performance: Research has shown that companies with diverse workforces perform better financially. By supporting workforce diversity, companies can attract and retain top talent, improve employee engagement, and ultimately, drive business success.

We are keen to foster a culture of diversity and inclusion at Infojini. We recognize the value that diversity brings to our organization, and we are dedicated to creating an environment where all employees feel valued, respected, and supported. Join us in our commitment to diversity and discover the benefits it can bring to your organization.

VII. Feedback and Suggestions

A platform for employees to offer feedback and suggestions on how the company can improve its diversity and inclusion initiatives.